Software QA Testing Second Aspect Software Quality Assurance

Software QA Testing is, generally speaking, the process of assuring the quality of a software or web application release. The best and easiest measure of software quality is the number of defects still open or unfixed by category of severity. An additional measure of software quality assurance is test case coverage. Test case coverage can be very complex and difficult to determine but a simplified measure can provide a lot of benefit without simplifying it to the point of incorrectness.

Determining Coverage Within a Software QA Testing Process

The easiest method for determining test case coverage within a software QA testing process is to index the test cases into a functional map to determine the amount of the application where a test case has been written and then compare that functional map to the most recent run of test cases to determine A – the percentage of the application covered by a test case and then B – the percentage of test cases most recently run.

Software QA Testing Goals

The goal of Software QA Testing is to provide a measure of quality, in terms of business risk, so that the decision makers can determine whether or not a current release meets their business goals.