The QA Manager is the force of quality improvement behind the scenes

TESTCo’s QA Manager is the force of quality improvement behind the scenes. His ability to collaborate across departments has fostered a culture of working together, where his insights and suggestions have been invaluable in putting AccuBuild on a path to enhance our product development procedures. His guidance and mentorship have not only elevated the quality of work but also began to cultivate a team that is enthusiastic about maintaining excellence.

Tracy B.


New level of velocity in each sprint and fewer defects.

The Test Engineer’s contributions as a quality engineer at AccuBuild have been nothing short of exceptional. His dedication to maintaining the highest standards in quality assurance has significantly impacted the team’s ability to achieve a new level of velocity in each sprint. Stan’s meticulous attention to detail has been instrumental in ensuring that AccuBuild’s product has fewer defects. His commitment to identifying and rectifying potential issues before they escalate has not only saved time but also upheld TESTCo’s reputation to deliver value everyday.

Tracy B.
